Context: Traditional bonesetting is an art that in the face of urbanization, lack of public attention and lack of modern facilities has survived more than 3,000 years. This article explores the role of bonesetters in the developing world, their successes and failures and possible utilization of their services as part of the healthcare system of a country. Methods: Articles depicting working or techniques of bonesetters or those related to training and education issues of traditional bonesetters, especially in developing countries, were reviewed. The current scenario of healthcare delivery and medical education along with existing socioeconomic conditions prevailing in India were analyzed with generalization of findings to the healthcare delivery systems of other developing countries. Findings: Bonesetting has its strengths and weaknesses. With current socioeconomic conditions and the types of health needs prevailing in developing countries, it would be difficult to abolish traditional bonesetting. These providers have widespread community acceptance and support. Complications can be minimized and practice potentially improved with training and education. Conclusions: Pending infrastructure and socioeconomic development, it appears that traditional bonesetters will remain providers of healthcare. Their methodology utilizes regional resources and is commonly believed to be cheaper and effective. Although the deficiencies of traditional bonesetters have been shown, with adequate training in the basics of orthopaedic care, they can be utilized to provide useful health services at the primary care level.
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1 CNBC, Geeta Colony, Delhi
2 UCMS and GTB Hospital, Shahdara, Delhi,