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CPB urges three public stations to talk synergy
At the urging of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, three New Yorkarea public TV stations are talking about consolidating operations-and possibly more. WNET(TV) New York, Long Island-based WLIW-TV and Brooklyn-based, NYC Board of Education-owned WNYE-TV have been talking for about a year about a common master control, but in recent weeks, the talks have gone further, according to executives at the stations.
"There are a lot of `ifs,'" said Terrel Cass, president and general manager at WLIW. "Presently, we've agreed to a joint master-control project: the merging of our technical facilities to put the signal out. We got a grant [from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting] to build the master-control facility, but about three months ago, WNET started talking about...