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Orlando facility handles master control for four stations
It's share and share alike at Emmis Communications. The company recently put the finishing touches on a new centralcasting hub at WKCF(TV) Orlando, Fla., which will send broadcast streams via DS3 cable to four Emmis stations: WKCF, WVUE(TV) New Orleans, WALA-TV Mobile, Ala., and WFTX(TV) Fort Myers, Fla.
Florical automation and Grass Valley Group Profile servers and two MAN systems are the backbone of the facility; Tandberg's TSM system manager helps get files ready for transfer. Emmis Director of Operations Joe Addalia says the company has gone through the learning curve and, with the addition of WALA-TV two weeks ago, is handling master control for the three Fox affiliates and one WB.
One aspect of the facility may represent a trend in broadcast-station rebuilds. WALA recently moved into a new facility, and "I would have to guess that it may be the first ground-up television station without a master control," Addalia says. "There is a dedicated space for...