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A sermon preached at the primary visitation of the Most Reverend Father in God Michael Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland, and lord high chancellor of the same. Held at Drogheda, August 20. 1679. / by Rich. Tenison ...
Bibliographic name/number: Wing (2nd ed.) / T683.
Tenison, Richard, 1640?-1705. EEBO Dr. Williams's Library records - unstructured. 36 p. Dublin: Printed by Benjamin Took and John Crook, printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and are to be sold at His Majesties Printing-House in Skinner-Row, 1679.
Tenison, Richard, 1640?-1705. EEBO Dr. Williams's Library records - unstructured. 36 p. Dublin: Printed by Benjamin Took and John Crook, printers to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and are to be sold at His Majesties Printing-House in Skinner-Row, 1679.
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