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Businessperson of the Year Raymond G. "Skipper" Post Jr. is a veteran of the local architecture scene and has shaped many of the public spaces familiar to Baton Rougeans. He is the sole owner of Post Architects, a firm he founded in 1968. We asked him to share some insights about himself and some of the people and buildings that have inspired him.
How did you get the nickname "Skipper"?
The nickname "Skipper" came from the time when, as a little boy, I was dressed in the classic sailor suit and my dad made the observation "look at my little skipper." It stuck, perhaps because my parents were searching for a name other than Raymond since I was a "Jr." and my dad was already known as Raymond. After returning home and entering the business world I decided I should become "Raymond." My dad was deceased, so that confusion was no longer a problem, but "Skipper" was too set, and...