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The researcher used a series of qualitative research techniques to gain a perceptual understanding of how the use of reasonable accommodations relates to academic achievement outcomes for postsecondary students with disabilities. In the research all student participants reflected on their personal experiences about the value of accommodations in the instructional setting at a small private Midwestern liberal arts university. The research captured the views of the target population to investigate this phenomenon. The use of an online survey and audiotaped focus group were the research tools used to conduct this qualitative study. The research included students’ perceptions on an array of disability qualifying accommodations, ancillary aides, and/or instructional program modifications as these accommodation enhancements relate to academic outcomes. The reasonable accommodations are to produce an educational environment that enhances the domain of equal access for those who are disabled versus challenged with disabling conditions. The primary questions this research attempted to answer are the following: RQ1: What are the perceptions of students with disabilities receiving accommodations, students with disabilities not receiving accommodations, and students without disabilities regarding the impact of reasonable accommodations on educational outcomes? RQ2: How does perceptual experiences about accommodation enhancements in the classroom setting affect academic outcomes of disabled postsecondary students? RQ3: How do students with disabilities relate their campus experiences and the reasonable accommodations they receive from their institution of higher learning? The results found that students with disabilities had parity with their non-disabled peers in respect to academic outcomes with and without the use of accommodations.
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