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This study examined the effectiveness of various agricultural technology transfer methods using primary data collected from 543 rice farmers in the Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana. We employed descriptive statistics supported by Kendall’s W-test and chi-squared distribution test to identify and assess various agricultural technology transfer methods and their perceived effectiveness. In the order of importance, we found farmer-to-farmer approach, technology demonstration fields, household extension, and radio as the main agricultural extension methods in use in the study area. We found a significantly low patronage of the mass media and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) mechanisms such as video, mobile phone, posters, drama, and newspapers for communicating information to rice farmers. Demonstration, farmer-to-farmer, and household extension methods were perceived as the most effective agricultural extension methods. We recommend among others, that Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Ghana should be empowered to train farmers through both conventional (i.e. demonstration fields), and technology-led approaches using ICT and mass media such as video, mobile phones, and radio, since these methods have been found to be cost effective with significant impact on agricultural technology adoption decisions of farmers.
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