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Pascale Bussieres is one of Quebec's leading actors, famous as the "queen of the miniseries" in la belle province. X Change could well be her ticket to U.S. stardom. Bussieres plays Madeleine, a left-leaning journalist who warns her readers about the dangerous mind-transfer technology. "I think X Change asks some good questions about how far technology will go," Bussieres says. "The film works on many levels. It's an action film with philosophical underpinnings. I personally like the questioning that goes on about the nature of identity."
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Bussieres says she particularly enjoyed working with Moyle, known as an actor's director. "Allan is a space muffin. He's pretty much a wild animal, absolutely enthusiastic, a person who always goes for the new idea. He's very energetic, kind, generous with everybody. And X Change was a hard shoot. There were a lot of action stunts and special effects. Allan was like a kid having fun. He's totally weird, but in a good and exciting way. We rehearsed quite a bit and tried some unusual exercises, which he thought would help us with our characters. Allan invited us to experiment with the concept of an identity peeking out from behind another identity - an envelope with something else inside. We worked a lot on this very abstract concept, trying to make it real."
Bussieres' most memorable experience on the set of X Change was "one weird moment when I was shooting with Stephen Baldwin, a...