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Working accountants know just how off-base the public's perception of them as green eyeshaded clerks tethered to their desks really is. With accountants in industry practice going from department to department, and those in public practice visiting many clients, it's surprising any of us actually have desks, much less desktop PCs.
In fact, in some ways, the days before PCs were actually easier. If you went to a client to perform a write-up, either they had the ledgers, or you packed them in your briefcase. Audits meant using numerous sheets of ledger paper for workpapers and lead sheets. In these days of spreadsheets, word processors, and client write-up software, however, your clients' records and data probably reside in the PC on your desk. Sure, you could print the information onto hardcopy and carry it with you to client sites, then bring back additional information for entry into your office system. Many accountants do just that. But it's not the most efficient way to work, especially these days when notebook PCs are more powerful than ever. And while you used to have to pay a big premium for portability, the latest crop of notebooks is eminently affordable. Faster, cheaper, lighter, and more powerful! What more could you ask for?
To answer this question, we took a look at a sample of today's newest crop. We examined them with an eye to how you'd fare using them as a portable office-packing up your office in a four-to six-pound package, and taking it on the road. We tested our units with formal performance benchmarks, and in real-life situations. Each reviewer wrote and edited on the unit(s) they were assigned, and carried them back and forth to shows, home in the evenings and on weekends, and even on vacation. There weren't any amazing revelations, but our experience did provide a number of crucial areas you'll want to consider in making a notebook purchase.
The two subnotebooks we looked at, HP's OmniBook and the Zeos Contenda, are lightweight enough to make a real difference when carrying them for long distances or periods of time. At four pounds versus six pounds for the standard-size notebooks, they're almost a pleasure to pack, and...