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Teens Buying Books at Fastest Rate in Decades
Book sales to teens are booming - up by more than 25 percent since 1999, according to one industry analysis. Industry-watchers say fantasy and graphic novels, adventures, romances, humor and gritty comingof-age tales are all selling in unprecedented quantities. Librarians say the quality and gravity of the content of books marketed to youth has increased as well, reflecting a more sophisticated teenage population.
"Publishers are courting young adults in ways we haven't seen since the 1940s," said Michael Cart, a leading authority on young adult literature. "We are right smack-dab in the new golden age of young adult literature." March 7,
Working Together for the Sake of the Kids
Child welfare experts say that over the past decade, child-welfare systems have shifted toward more collaborative relationships between birth and foster parents. Officials in Illinois say...