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Learning environments in higher education are changing rapidly, with increased attention surrounding active learning, educational technologies, and their impact on teaching and learning. Companies are creating and introducing innovative technologies at breakneck speeds, often overwhelming academic leaders charged with meeting the needs of the institution, faculty, students, and community. This whirlwind of change creates new challenges and opportunities for leaders to address as they guide their institutions toward adopting new educational technologies, specifically Learning Management Systems (LMS). Academic leaders must strive to build a strong vision for the future and seek support frameworks that encourage acceptance by faculty of the LMS as a fundamental design and delivery tool for instruction. As with any change, perception is at the heart of acceptance regarding innovation. This study explores the perceived impact of nine faculty members’ experiences regarding the change process during an LMS transition on a Midwestern United States urban campus. To do so, a conceptual framework has been developed, combining individual and group-oriented approaches to leading organizational change. Using a case study approach with the lens of the conceptual framework, the study creates a rich exploration of the phenomenon of leading organizational change in higher education. Emergent themes lead to recommendations that will benefit leaders as they navigate innovative educational technology transitions in higher education.
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