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I have always been attracted to girls but my parents are homophobic, so I started going out with guys and label myself straight. I still felt a thing for girls but hated it and tried to ignore it. When I finally had sex with a man, I didn't like it but thought that was normal. Then I developed feelings for my female best friend, so I came out as bisexual.
I carried on dating guys but my longest relationship was a week because I felt so uncomfortable having a boyfriend. I always saw myself with girls, not guys. Just over a year ago, I stopped labelling myself as bi and finally came out as a lesbian. But lots of people are telling me that I can't call myself lesbian because I had sex with a guy before. Am I a lesbian?
Are you a lesbian? Yes. You define who you are. It isn't up for other people to debate.
If you read your message over again, you are very clear about making sense of your own sexuality, within a context of growing up in a homophobic family.
It can be very easy for outsiders to judge and tell you what to do - be that your parents making you afraid of your sexuality. Or friends or lovers saying you may not be straight, but you can’t be a lesbian either.
None of this is helpful, nor particularly good for your mental health .
Many women in your situation either avoid relationships completely, or do as you did - they have relationships with men, even though they're not attracted to them.
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