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This dissertation studies the behavior of the eutectic alloy of gallium and indium (commonly called EGaIn) in microfluidic channels, on thin metal films and with metal powders. EGaIn is a metal alloy that is liquid at room temperature, has high surface tension and low viscosity. EGaIn forms in presence of oxygen a thin robust oxide skin that allows the liquid metal to take non-spherical shapes despite its high surface tension. The first chapter discusses properties and applications of liquid metals in general and EGaIn in more details. The second chapter studies the phenomenon of spectral colors that appear on PDMS microchannels filled with EGaIn upon applying a compression strain on it. The channels are sealed using oxygen plasma which alters the surface chemistry by attaching oxygen atoms to it and forming a thin rigid film. Buckles form on that thin rigid layer when the channel is compressed due to the difference in elastic moduli between the film and the bulk of PDMS. Optical microscopy and AFM confirmed the presence of the buckles. The third chapter presents a new method for producing liquid metal droplets by forcing EGaIn into reservoirs with designed dimensions. The dimensions of the reservoir can be easily manipulated to produce the desired drop size. We can collect the drops or embed them in PDMS. The fourth chapter studies the behavior of these drops upon contacting metal films. EGaIn drops self-run on weakly-bounded metal films to substrate in media that continuously etch its oxide skin like acid solution or under reducing bias. Our experiments show that EGaIn drops achieve the highest velocities on films of Ag over Au on glass substrates. The running mechanism is novel and has not been reported before, the liquid metal drop pulls the film from the substrate while dissolving it and running forward. The contact between the EGaIn drop and the metal film creates an electrochemical cell that leads to formation of hydrogen bubbles beneath the metal film, the bubbles make the film loose and easy for the EGaIn drop to pull. We investigated the role of drop diameter to film width ratio and the degree of saturation with the other metal on the speed of the drop. The velocity we report is higher than that of any self-running liquid metal drop and any aqueous creature. Self-running drops have potential applications such as fabricating self-destroying electronic circuits. The fifth chapter explores a new method to create metal micro and nanostructures at ambient conditions by imprinting a paste made by mixing gallium and metal powders against molds. Gallium and metal powder interdiffuse in a short period of time and form a solid alloy. In this study we use copper powder as it is not expensive, safe to work with and can form a solid alloy with gallium at room temperature. We investigated the optimum mixing ratio (65 wt% Ga and 35 wt% Cu) that allows easy mixing, enough workable time and results in a solid alloy as diffusion proceeds. The paste can replicate relatively big features (features on a penny for instance) and create free standing structures, however imprints of small features suffers from imperfections. Milling and reducing the powder under inert atmosphere helped to enhance mixing. We are currently studying the effect of particle size on replication and homogeneity of the solid alloy.


A Study of Eutectic Gallium Indium Liquid Metal in Microsystems and Interfaces
Mohammed, Mohammed Gamal Abdel Naser
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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