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Un obstâculo que hubo que superar en los DAADs fue el relative a la direccionabilidad por contenido. Al ser dispositivos de acceso por direcci6n, la accesibilidad por contenido obliga a disponer de un me todo que, a partir de dicho contenido, obtenga la direccion fîsica del registre. La soluciôn de este problema dio origen a las têcnicas de organizacion de archives. Basicamente consisten en la ütilizacion de dos tipos de informaciôn: la propiamente dicha del archive, distribuida segun un orden, y una informaciôn Indice o estructural conteniendo la forma de distribuciôn de la informaciôn principal. El acceso a un registre determinado va precedido por el procesamiento de la Infomacon indice.

Alternate abstract:

An obstacle that had to be overcome in DAADs was related to content addressability. Being access devices by address, accessibility by content requires having a method that, based on said content, obtains the physical address of the record. The solution to this problem gave rise to file organization techniques. They basically consist of the use of two types of information: the file itself, distributed according to an order, and index or structural information containing the form of distribution of the main information. The access to a particular record is preceded by the processing of the Infomacon index.


Procesador concurrente para bases de datos
Ruz Ortiz, Jose Jaime
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.