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The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of adolescent girls experiences of growing up with a younger brother diagnosed on the autism spectrum. The literature review focused on influences of relationship quality on sibling adjustment and well-being, the role of gender and birth order, and sibling's subjective experience of these relationships in dyads both with and without a sibling diagnosed on the autism spectrum. In addition, the review included a discussion of autism spectrum disorders and identity development in adolescent females.

The present study utilized a qualitative research design in which six adolescent females between the ages of 14 and 18 with a younger brother diagnosed on the autism spectrum were interviewed. Participant's engaged in an appreciative inquiry interview consisting of open-ended questions about their experiences of this sibling relationship.

The results of this study revealed four categorical themes and nine subcategories. These include "meaning-making" with the subcategories of personal narrative and dialogue; "roles" with the subcategories of caretaker, mentor and guardian; "life impact" with the subcategories of challenges of this relationship and strength development; and "relational experience" with the subcategories of sibling bonds and shared experiences. These themes are discussed within the context of the literature reviewed in Chapter Two. Limitations of the present study, clinical implications and recommendations for future research are also addressed.


Adolescent girls' experiences of growing up with a brother diagnosed on the autism spectrum
Gaines, Emily Kolovson
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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