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"It's a good book. I really think you'll like it," James O'Keefe tells me, tapping a finger on the steely-faced photograph of himself gracing the cover of his new book, Breakthrough . "It's not an ideological book. It's like a thriller."
The conservative muckraker, who gained notoriety with his controversial sting-operation videos targeting the low-income family assistance program ACORN and National Public Radio, had just finished delivering a short speech to a group of New York conservatives on his mission to "expose fraud" and took a break from signing books to offer his thoughts on the other scandal maker currently dominating headlines: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
"I hope his motivations are pure and I like the fact that he's getting information out there," O'Keefe said, while pointing out that he feels more of a kinship with Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who published the leaks, than Snowden. O'Keefe considers himself a journalist, scoffing at attempts to label his work, typically targeted at liberal organizations,...