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Nicolas Trifon, Unde e Aromânia? Interventii, dezbateri, cronici, 1994-2014 (Where is Aromânia? Interventions, debates, chronicles, 1994-2014), Editura Cartier, Chisinau, 2014, 192 p.
After the issue of the paperwork Aromanii pretutindeni, nicaieri (MacedoRomanians Everywhere, Nowhere), in November 2012, Romanian public space connects with certain ethnic-cultural realities concerning Macedo-Romanians from Romania. It is a first book that claims bluntly the Macedo-Romanian issue. Although, it has been translated in Romanian, the book is published in Republic of Moldova, due to obvious reasons and includes details that have never appeared before as a result of official, institutional sensitive issues. In November 2014, at Cartier publishing house, there appeared a new book with interrogative title Where is Aromania?, proposing a real frame of debating Macedo-Romanians identity rights.
Romanian authors, specialized in MacedoRomanian problems intently ommitted certain sensitive topics within their research. Nicolas Trifon analyzes these controversies related to the way Macedo-Romanians reached Romanian space, about the way the same Macedo-Aromanian group is assessed within Balkan states where MacedoAromanians live. None of the academies of the states where Macedo-Aromanians live, do not the match official version of theories defining Macedo-Aromanian group.
Nicolas Trifon (born Nicolae Trifon, in 1949, in Bucharest, Macedo-Aromanian by his paternal...