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Two plants - Rubus plicatus and Rubus idaeus were screened for antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus strains, methicillin susceptible (MSSA) and methicillin resistant (MRSA), two from world collection culture and two isolated from patients. All tested extracts from fruits and leaves exhibited antibacterial activity, both against MRSA and MSSA strains. Stronger antibacterial activity had leaves extracts than fruits extracts. The strongest bacterial inhibition was observed against strains from collection culture, lower against strains directly isolated from patients' wounds. Leaf extract from R. idaeus exhibited stronger antibacterial activities than extracts from R. plicatus leaves. Antioxidant activities and phenolic content were also tested. Generally leaves of two tested plants had about 4-fold higher concentration of phenolics than fruit extracts. Leaves and fruits extracts from R. plicatus exhibited 2.3-fold higher concentration of phenolic compounds than R. idaeus. Also antioxidant activities of R. plicatus extracts were higher than in R. idaeus extracts. The present investigation expresses that plants have great potential as antimicrobial compounds against microorganisms, especially against methicillin resistant strains. Moreover these plants are a good source of antioxidants, especially leaves and fruits of R. plicatus, which can be used as a good exogenous sources of antioxidants in our diet.
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