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Purpose: To examine the interpretation and implementation by Division III collegiate institutions of the NCAA concussion management guidelines, including how familiar the individuals responsible for oversight of concussion management at each institution are with these guidelines, as well as their attitudes and opinions about the effectiveness of these guidelines. Importance: Current literature identifies a number of components that constitute best practice for concussion management. The NCAA sets forth guidelines that all Division III institutions are required to follow for managing student-athletes with concussions. However, these guidelines are somewhat vague and do not incorporate all elements of best practice from current literature. Results: Survey results reveal variability in how the guidelines are being carried out at each institution. Many of the individuals responsible for concussion management policies at Division III NCAA institutions are not entirely familiar with the NCAA concussion management guidelines. There seems to be a discrepancy between perceptions of these individuals regarding their institutions' adherence to these guidelines and the extent to which they actually do so. Conclusion: Variability in interpretation and implementation of the NCAA concussion management guidelines may be due to the fact that they leave a lot open to interpretation. While the NCAA identifies many components of best practice that are outlined in current literature on concussion management, these don't seem to have been incorporated to an adequate extent into the required concussion management guidelines. This may be of concern, as lack of consistency and inadequate incorporation of best practices into concussion management may be putting student-athletes at unnecessarily high levels of risk for sustaining concussions and the potential to experience associated long-term effects.


A study examining variability in concussion management strategies among NCAA Division III institutions
Tunkel, Jared; Barney, Oliver; Caldwell, Katherine; Crist, Eric; Lawton, Mandy; Miller, Nicholas; Waters, Justin
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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