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In this article, we describe spiritual formation training at Rosemead School of Psychology by outlining the various relationships wherein growth occurs. After describing the spiritual context of Rosemead within Biola University, we consider various relationships contributing to spiritual growth among Rosemead students in both formal and informal manners: self and therapist, faculty mentors and supervisors, the Rosemead community of students, and other salient relationships. Narratives of two current students in different stages of the program and two alumni illustrate the unique ways facets of spiritual formation at Rosemead intertwine in individual lives. In the final section, we consider opportunities and challenges for the future.
Spiritual formation frequently involves effort, though not earning (Willard, 2006). From first to last, our transformation is a gift of God's grace. Our role is to set the context and create space, "to place ourselves before God so that he can transform us" (Foster, 1988, p. 7). The path of spiritual growth is indirect (Smith, 2009). We are transformed through relationship with God and relationship with other people through whom God works. As we grow, our relationships with our selves change also.
In this article, we describe spiritual formation training at Rosemead School of Psychology by outlining the various relationships wherein growth occurs. As Dallas Willard (2002) explains, we are always being formed, whether we are engaging our formation intentionally or not. Some aspects of Rosemead's training are geared explicitly to spiritual growth. However, all of the aspects of the program have the potential to bear directly or indirectly upon the spiritual growth of students. After describing the spiritual context of Rosemead within Biola University, we consider various relationships contributing to spiritual growth among Rosemead students in both formal and informal manners: self and therapist, faculty mentors and supervisors, the Rosemead community of students, and other salient relationships.
Though our lives are frequently divided into various roles and responsibilities, none of these components can be compartmentalized or isolated from one another; each of our lives has a singular narrative woven from many unique elements. Narratives of two current students in different stages of the program and two alumni illustrate the unique ways facets of spiritual formation at Rosemead intertwine in individual lives. In the final section, we consider opportunities and...