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A plethora of studies, analyses and practice in communication management has emerged considerably over last years, and experienced a massive shiftin form and function within a rapidly changing environment. Lately, the role of communication in management tried to solve the puzzle of the communication upheaval by offering a comprehensive mechanism to ease a communication process. Based on a case study of three high schools, this research has two objectives. First, to present a conceptualized framework of the integrated role of communication in combination with the management process is mapped out. In the same time, it tries to investigate some depth of understanding of the manner how the executives perceive the communication process in the three high schools in order to reveal the manager-staffcommunication. Second, such a framework has been theoretically explored and empirically demonstrated to examine the process of strategic formulation of institutional communications in accordance with diverse phases of management to the three high schools. Quantitative analysis and numerical data analysis with major managers are duly conducted. Last but not least, implications are discussed.
Keywords: communication, strategy, high school management, educational effectiveness
JEL classification: D83, M10, N3.
In a highly competitive environment, in any large organizations, communication becomes indispensable for greater success and excellence. Information and communication networks became an essential component of each daily activity and have a fundamental role in the future global development (Petrescu et al. 2011:331). Most leaders and top executives in various organizations have been vigilant toward the modification of business strategies along with "effective and continuous" communication changes up to reach their potential. Additionally, currently, pressures for using communication strategies are not merely stemmed from the organizational elements but also the national forces galvanized by the notion of globalization, technology, and competition. Therefore, revolutionary communications have been prioritized as one of the most important agendas needed for discussion in a parallel relationship with other management issues. The aforementioned aspects, determined the author's interest to conduct research on how the communication strategies help effectively facilitate management processes, especially in the educational context.
According to Lunenberg and Ornstein (1991:185), "communication is the lifeblood of every school organization". Therefore, the questions that need to be answered are: how is the lifeblood pumping through there three high schools from...