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Businesses are more efficient when employees are motivated and productive. This study investigated the correlation between flex-time and motivation in employees, as well as flex-time and productivity in employees. The research methodology used for this study was correlation research designed to examine the relationship between flex-time and motivation and the relationship between flex-time and productivity. This quantitative study consisted of 63 voluntary participants. The findings of this study illustrated a very strong positive correlation between flex-time and employee motivation and a strong positive relationship between flex-time and employee productivity.
Key Words: Flex-time, motivation, productivity
The purpose of the study was to determine if there is a significant correlation between flex-time and employee motivation and a significant correlation between flex-time and employee productivity. The data collected and assessed provides important information to leaders, managers, and business owners in for various industries.
Motivation in the workplace refers to factors that influence behavior, enthusiasm, and ultimately fulfillment of daily tasks (Faletar, Jelačić, Sedliačiková, Jazbec, & Hajdúchová, 2016). Employee motivation is a massive predictor in an organization's performance; companies who employ business professionals with high levels of motivation outperform competition while reducing employee turnover (Davis, 2017). Leaders know motivated employees directly impact organizational commitment and performance (Albdour & Altarawneh, 2014). Motivated employees are more productive and produce a higher level of workplace performance than unmotivated employees (Lăzăroiu, 2015). Unmotivated employees suppress innovation within organizations, which ultimately leads to negatively impacting workplace performance (Dobre, 2013). While motivated employees are persistent, produce quality work, are more creative and innovative, and generally happy in the workplace, unmotivated employees are less efficient, produce low-quality work, are less productive, and are more likely to leave the workplace voluntarily or involuntarily (Faletar et al., 2016). In order for an employee to maximize production, he or she needs to be highly motivated; a highly motivated employee will diligently work towards achieving an organization's goals making him or her productive while working (Salleh et al., 2016).
Many factors influence motivation. Literature about motivation described two types of specific motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. According to Steg, Lindenberg, and Keizer (2016), intrinsic motivation is based on a worker's commitment to principles, values, norms, and the satisfaction derived from an event. Intrinsic motivation is derived...