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FCC doesn't want Sinclair to have final say in programming stations
The FCC has asked Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. to amend local marketing agreements with Glencairn Ltd. in four states. The goal is to exorcise Sinclair's "ultimate power to decide who will program the [TV] stations," according to a letter from Clay C. Pendarvis, chief of the FCC's television branch of the video services division.
Sinclair bought the four stationsWRGT-TV Dayton, Ohio; KOKH-TV Oklahoma City; WTAT-TV Charleston, S.C., and WVAH-TV Charleston, W.Va.-last March for about $1 billion, along with the rest of Sullivan Broadcasting Co.
In July, Sinclair entered into an LMA with the four stations with the intention of transferring them to its longtime LMA partner, Glencairn, once the Sullivan merger is completed. The FCC wants to know how that deal breaks...