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Evaluating Individual Criteria to Support Cannabis Use Disorder Diagnosis is an exploratory qualitative survey pilot study aimed to evaluate the current criteria for diagnosing Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) by utilizing the DSM-V (2013) criteria and current research to establish an inclusive assessment of cannabis use. The Cannabis Assessment Reliability and Validity Evaluation (CARVE) provides a single, uniform data source as a cohesive and functional tool which can assess for appropriate and inappropriate cannabis use. Study participants were limited to healthcare providers licensed to diagnose CUD. The study aimed to answer the following research questions: 1) Could inappropriate and appropriate cannabis usage be measured and differentiated? 2) Did the criteria covered in the survey provide a complete assessment of cannabis use and cannabis use disorder? Results show a generalized agreement that inappropriate and appropriate cannabis usage can be measured and differentiated. Healthcare providers also agreed that the CARVE survey provides a complete assessment of cannabis use that could be utilized to assist in diagnosing Cannabis Use Disorder. These research study findings can be potentially used to establish future diagnostic criteria, policy development, and increase quality outcomes.
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